Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Type Of Resources Essay - 1943 Words

1.3 Describe the type of resources Business Conferences- Again, with business conferences there is a specific budget for hiring the room, equipment and if they’re hiring an external speaker. The venue can range for  £60pp or  £12,000, depending on how large the group of attendees is and how large the venue has got to be. Also, it may depend on the date and time you are wanting to hire it as certain times can be more expensive than others. You would also need presentation equipment. This includes projectors, a laptop and a microphone if you are in a large setting, if in a smaller setting possibly some handouts, whiteboard and flipcharts with easels. An important feature to have is an attendance list- this is essential as if it’s a private†¦show more content†¦To hold a press conference, you need to get information out there about the conference and write up a press release. Distribute this up to a week before the actual conference as it gives media outlet times to pick your event over others that may be happening at that time- you need a press release as it gives information about what you are going to be talking about and also gives the media outlets time to write up questions. Press conference motives can range from positive to negative, for example a negative one may be an appeal for information on a missing child. As you can see here it’s the press conference for the appeal of missing child Madeline McCann, this is a negative press conference but can get the headline on a newspaper. Or it can be positive for example press conferences for the new England manager. The event manager needs to schedule the date and time and send this out to out to the delegates through email or phone call, so it is essential for the event organiser to have the resources to do this- a computer, telephone and contact details for the media outlets. When attending the venue, the speakers will also need microphones, this is so they can be heard by all in the room and get the message across. A resource which is essential for these events is that a press kit, this should include a brief outline of what the issue being discussed is or the program you are trying to publicise- but they can be expensive. Providing tea, coffee, waterShow MoreRelatedA3 Civil Rights Citizenship And Participation1216 Words   |  5 Pages1: Balancing Liberty, Order, and Democracy A balancing act occurs in US government and society between the rights of individuals and the maintenance of the common good, which can affect the whole country. a. Write a 250- to 500-word argumentative essay on one of the listed topics. Choose a topic that you find interesting or is somehow relevant to you: Why are there laws limiting the freedom of speech? Why is it important to balance majority rule with minority rights? 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